Friday, July 8, 2016

A little time travel.

Today, is one of those regular days. I woke up to the news about the Dallas shooting, and other shootings (Middle East). I re-read the news about the fire in San Diego a couple of weeks ago, and how it brought back memories of what happened 2 years ago - the Bernardo Fire, and how afraid I was with the possibility of our place burning into ashes.

I got up, made my coffee, and went on with my normal routine. I checked my phone for news, emails, messages.

This morning, I realized that my daughter might not have a childhood - that she might just glue her face to her phone, tablet, computer, or whatever technology is out by the time she is 7 years old (or younger!).

Then, I recalled my childhood.

Oh, how I enjoyed playing outside, despite my dad getting upset with me being out all the time.

When I was a child, I enjoyed flying a kite made out of news paper and sticks, attached to a string / thread.

I enjoyed going to the store and buying paper dolls (Sailor Moon).
I enjoyed physically talking with my friends, pretending to be Power Rangers, and pretending to fight monsters.
I would play Lava with my friends in their house.
We would make dance moves to As Long As You Love Me by the Backstreet Boys.
I learned how to play volley ball at the age of 9. It was the start of my love for sports, and when I was in grade school, I was a member of the volleyball varsity team. It was one of the proudest moments of my life.
I would stay outside until 9PM to play with my friends.
On Christmas, we would go to houses and sing christmas songs and share however much money we get.
One Easter, I made boiled some eggs and painted the eggs and gave them to my friends. They told my my egg was not cooked enough, LOL, but it was fun making it though.
I played with guns, and trading cards, and plastic swords with my friends.
I played video games with my friends.

On Friday nights, I would always wait for Shaider (Japanese hero), or sometimes, Ultra Man.

On Sundays, I would get upset about going to church at night. Masked Rider Black would be on TV - so I would go to church in the early afternoon or morning. I would also get upset when I miss watching Time Quest (with the kettle that lets you travel through time), and Ranma 1/2 (character turns into a female or a male depending on the water temperature). On weekday nights, I watch Ghost Fighter (Yu Yu Hakusho), and Fushigi Yuugi.

I learned how to play guitar when I was 10 because of my friends. My mom had a Gibson acoustic guitar, which I used (until my bratty stage kicked in and I smashed it on the ground when someone threw a plastic ball to my face).
I received my first guitar when I was 12 as a graduation present from my dad.
I got another guitar when I was 15 as a pre-graduation present from my mom.
At 16yo, one of my god parents gave me an electric guitar with amplifier for a present.
When I turned 18, one of my friends gave me a guitar (Ovation) as a present.

This is the kind of childhood I shared with people. I enjoyed and loved every bit of it.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Long lost family?

So a few weeks ago, I received a call from my dad. He told me about these godparents who were looking for me.

Once, twice, thrice they called at home looking for me. My dad said they were from Vegas, and my godfather is one of his buddies from work.

They couldn't catch me at home, because I'm always at work.

My grandfather wouldn't stop bugging me to return their call. When they called, I guess he talked with them for half an hour - and my grandfather would instantly "fall in like" with people who he gets a pretty long conversation with.

One afternoon, I decided hey, why not give them a call?

I dialed the number, introduced myself, and TADAA it's them on the other line.

A few hellos and "how are you?" exchanges were made. And then...

"Kay, do you have a life insurance?"

Life insurances, I believe, is necessary. There are different kinds of life insurance. Metlife, Financial One, Geico, Farmers, etc.

I have no idea how to talk to them now. Yeah, of course they give me life insurance rates and so on, deals and what not. But, seriously?

Call me to sell insurance? Wow. Unbelievable.

I received a couple of calls from them already. Selling me more insurance, I guess. I already told them from our last conversation that I already have a life insurance, and they still want to sell me their insurance. They said they'll drive up from Las Vegas to San Diego so they could talk about this with my aunts and I personally.

Personally, I've nothing against it.

It's just that awkward moment when you want to catch up with long lost godparents whose good friends with your parents and they end up selling life insurance to you after asking how you've been.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Holy Week.

So, what are you giving up for the Lenten Season?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like CHRISTMAS.

80 days before Christmas.

I love the feeling of the cool breeze kissing my face. Every time I open the front door, it embraces me with a welcoming feeling.


My dad said he's coming over to visit on November. And my sister is coming on December. I'm so excited (:


This is bad. I'm gaining weight, and losing discipline with my eating. This is major bad news.


It would've been fun to be able to blog everyday. But due to the numerous blogs that I have, plus my disorganized list of priorities, I am unable to do anything. Add it with a little procrastinating. @_@ I know that I can fit everything in 24hours, but for some odd reason, I just put a lot of things off.


Updates! Updates!

I sent my transfer from AL to HC on some late September date, and I still haven't heard anything from the DoN. I wonder if I'll even get in?

I was actually looking forward to it. Regardless of the gossips and the rumors going around, I want to start working at HC.

It hurts to know that one of my co-workers at AL is sort-of pulling me down with her. Not that she's all the way down, but I told her that I want to transfer because I will learn more at HC than at AL passing medications. She kept telling me that I will never learn anything at HC and that it's hard work.

Uh, what's more hard work than working at KH during the day? I think it's slavery right there in your face. That's why sometimes, I hate working there. Define labor. @_@ To top it all off, I think it's uncompensated employees defined, too.

I want to work at the HC because patients there are physically unable to care for themselves. I think I'm done with people who are mentally and psychologically out of state. And I believe that I will learn more if I work there.

She, on the other hand, kept telling me that I will not learn anything at the HC. That's complete BS, I believe. In KH, we do all the patient care, and I learned a lot. In AL, I learned how to pass medications. And got familiar with different medications (which are mostly vitamins, supplements, bp meds and sleeping pills).

I know I can do more, and I have more to learn. I don't want to miss out on opportunities to improve myself. So no matter what she says, she will be talking to my hand for the rest of the night.